American Express Will No Longer Reopen a Closed Credit Card?

American Express Will No Longer Reopen a Closed Credit Card

American Express has been one of the issuers that would let you reopen a closed account. Until recently you could ask them to reopen a credit card that was closed within the last 90 days, and even longer than that in some cases.

This is a helpful option to have in case you close the wrong credit card. It’s also possible that you change your mind, or something happens in your life and you end up needing that card or its benefits again.

But recently it seems that American Express is no longer giving customers the option to reinstate a closed account. I saw this reported on reddit at first. Then I also checked myself to see if they would reopen my Business Platinum Card that I closed a few days ago, after receiving some laughable retention offers.

Here’s the answer I received:

I tried again for P2 for a card that was closed a couple of weeks ago. And again I received a similar answer. The chat rep also acknowledged that this might have been an option in the past. But, they are no longer able to reinstate closed accounts.

So going forward make sure you use up all credits on a card that you want to close, and make sure that you will not need that card in the near future before closing. American Express apparently will no longer reopen closed accounts.

One exception might be when a representative closes the wrong card. This has been known to happen mainly due to the issue of Amex customers having cards that end with the same five digits. If the closure is a mistake by an American Express representative, then they should reopen your account. And if they don’t make sure to file a CFPB complaint. They do wonders!

Let me know in the comments below if you have tried reopening a closed credit card recently. How did it go?



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